Thursday 18 November 2010

Extreme crochet

Found this during a long, long week whilst typing random words into a search engine (and rebelliously avoiding finishing some work).

At first glance nothing terribly odd but the handcrafted flowers cable-tied to this mesh fence are the work of “an underground society of street-artist crocheters” who practice surreptitious “yarn bombing” to create urban art; although this installation in Denver, Colorado was commissioned to screen a large mound of spoil.  After initially laughing (a bit too much – obviously need more sleep) at the whole concept, I like the instant cheeriness the design and colours invoke.

Not sure what happens to it when it rains, never mind the local dogs.


  1. And highly sustainable, as I believe that "pre-loved yarn" is involved.

    Quite how long it stays looking chipper is another matter ...
