Friday 19 November 2010


Over the past few weeks I’ve been ploughing away determining the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘how’ and (taking a stab at) the ‘why’ of the demographics of the area surrounding Calverley Grounds in Tunbridge Wells.

So far, so unexciting and oddly enough the results were fairly predictable, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Depending upon how slated my work is, I may post a couple of charts up to thrill you all.  On a positive note, during my research I discovered a much more tasteful way of presenting data (see below).

Chocolate Pie Chart

I’m now wishing that I’d picked a different subject for my dissertation: Chocolate and its use in landscape design – is there enough?  Surely this is a critical, yet overlooked and possibly undervalued, area of investigation?

Really must get in the habit of posting at more sensible hours or when I’m not tired … damn you ‘This Week’ (BBC1, Thursdays) and my inexplicable addiction to you (although it’s not as much fun without Diane Abbott sitting uncomfortably close to Michael Portillo – that sofa was way too small).  Now off to bed with a pint of Blue Nun (can you still buy that?).

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