Wednesday 17 August 2011

As autumn approaches ...

Well, eventually.  The summer just seems to be rushing by.

After a lengthy blogging absence spent catching up with sleep, household stuff, paid employment, a few nice daytrips and lots and lots and lots of driving ... rather belatedly, here is a link to my revamped online portfolio.

Still plenty of space for drawings, etc (and for improvement!) but as life is, or should be, a continuous progression that's not a problem but a challenge.

I have applied, and been accepted, on the masters programme and just need to find a new job (and maybe have a short break!) before starting all the hard work again in January.

And typing of belated things, I'd like to say thank you to all the staff at the University of Greenwich and to my fellow students for all the support and advice I received before, during and after the undergraduate programme.  It's hugely appreciated.


  1. hi Isabel,

    Great website, make sure you continue blogging about your views, I will respond to your email soon

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Jamie!
