Sunday 28 November 2010

Demographics ... the final solution

Well, not really, but it sounded suitably menacing and sadly the novelty (and unexpected drama) of producing slightly fiddly charts has now well and truly worn off.

Still, on a positive note, I've had a reason to play about with Microsoft's (no booing or hissing, please) charting tools for almost the first time in my (current) career.  On the few occasions I've had to produce charts (and only in my present position), I've used an elderly bit of software called 'Harvard Graphics' - glad to see that MS has at last caught up at last ... and even surpassed it.  Actually, I think the last time I really had to chart anything was at uni first time around, and that nearly always seemed to be 'scattergrams' for 'Cognitive Psychology 101' and whatever the other courses were.  Sadly, still feel the urge to snigger at that course title, it seemed such an American cliché, especially in England.

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