Monday 11 October 2010

Quick model montages

Pinned-up my A1 sheet of 3no. photomontages of last week's 'texture and planar' model.  Didn't get it entirely right - strayed from the brief by adding additional elements.  Probably should have printed the montages bigger; they looked a bit lost on the sheet compared with everyone elses.

Some really good / interesting images on display - particularly Shiyuan's but I really liked Antoine's and Ed's compositions too, and the largely black & white one with snapshot feel (apologies to whoevers it was but I've forgotten).

The Lady Gaga(?) hat image was also quite striking and although I'm not sure why there was a dog on a man's head in Valentinos' montage, it made me laugh and was definitely memorable!

Anyway, here are my efforts:

The final presentation:
I really must cease my obsession with gluing things, organise my time better and actually print on one sheet!  Although I had toyed with the idea of building up layers of parts of each image to create a greater impression of depth and that would have needed a card base.

Top image: 'scaled model'

Middle image: '7 models in 1'

Bottom image: 'milkshake'

1 comment:

  1. Hey I quite like your montage, esp. the top 2. They're really clever and the composition is unconventional and neat at the same time. There's nothing wrong with gluing stuff!! I wish I had the confidence to do that!
