Sunday 21 November 2010

Demographics ... grr

Hopefully, this is last time I have to re-edit these files ... still working on converting Excel tables into InDesign for additional exciting appendices.  So far the table structure either disappears completely or, if converted into a PDF or image file, becomes hugely pixellated.  For anything other than unformatted data, these two programmes really aren't that compatible.  Wish I'd known that at the outset.

Anyway, I seem to vaguely remember threatening promising to upload some of my enthralling charts - be prepared to be .... underwhelmed?

Whoo-hoo!  And to think that I very nearly went to bed at a reasonable hour ... my, I would have missed so much.  Sorry, slight touch of sarcasm now coming to the fore.


  1. I think you've done an amazing job! You should be in our group!!

  2. Thanks - I've now got to the point where I don't want to see another chart for months!

  3. Nice one, sooooooo glad you done this section, takes a strong person to hang it there. Much appreciated from the'I don't read instructions' side of town.
